Aoula Moustapha
Inventor in Beirut International Innovation Show BIIS 2021
Chadi Khatib
Inventor in Beirut International Innovation Show BIIS 2021
Video Link (watch in Facebook)
This herbal formula is rich in natural organic compounds, organic acids that interact with heavy metals, forming easily digestible, low-toxic decomposing complexions, as well as stimulating the liver to detoxify and cleanse the body of these toxic heavy metals.
It consists of the product of fermentation of a group of herbs and Syrian medicinal plants in apple cider vinegar with wild honey and garlic oil, to form a detoxifying body.
The main idea of invention is based on the development of an ancient Arabic form, which is composed of cider vinegar and honey, which was mentioned by many ancient Arab scholars such as Ibn Sina, Ibn al-Nafis and others. It also depends on the development of the method of extraction and fermentation. We have prepared a ferment of a number of Syrian herbs in apple cider vinegar with honey and garlic, to obtain the antidote to toxic heavy metals, and these plants have proved the importance of studies in the elimination of heavy metals in the body.