Haidar Baydoun
Inventor in Beirut International Innovation Show BIIS 2021
From Al Mostapha High School
The robot, as an invention created by our high school students and made applicable by their hard work is a preposed solution for the sewer clogging system in our deer country lebanon which happens almost every year in the starting of winter, caused by the accumulation of dirt and waste ,and because of the insufficiency of our sewer system, resulting in roads floodings in the rain season and even in some areas some roads and houses become totally submerged in rain water.
Our solution suggest to have railes preinstalled (hanged from the upper side) into the sewer system in which a robot can move along pushing through waste and digging to clear the cloggins.
The robot can be made to be operratable remotly or in an autonamous mode controlled and remotly monitered by municipalities, and can be made to be a standard routine before winter to test and moniter the sewer system in order to make sure that no cloggings are present, or to take action in case there is.
Our prototype for this system is a demonstration for the differnt parts of the proposed idea and how the whole principle work alltogether, a lot of further improvments and developments are needed make this prototype come to the real life…