Prof. Dr. mehrdad fojlaley

Prof. Dr. mehrdad fojlaley

Inventor in Beirut International Innovation Show BIIS 2023

Dr. Abdolrashıd beykızadeh

Dr. Abdolrashıd beykızadeh

Inventor in Beirut International Innovation Show BIIS 2023


This technology is based on the technology of high-frequency electromagnetic waves and their thermal effect, as well as the destruction of the DNA of microorganisms. Eliminating weeds is one of the concerns of agriculture, which can destroy the weed seeds before they germinate. Since ancient times, chemicals and spraying have always been used to destroy weeds. which has its own disadvantages. The effects of chemicals and their non-disappearance over many years, as well as the entry of these toxins into the human food cycle, are among the most important negative effects of this method. Straw and stubble with manure left in the fields after eliminating the weeds, for animal feed, can also transmit the negative effects of chemicals to animals. By radiating electromagnetic waves in the microwave band towards the soil, this device raises the temperature of the soil up to 80 degrees Celsius, at which temperature weed seeds are destroyed. After hitting the DNA seed, these waves break and destroy it Another advantage of using this device is that microwaves are safe against the wind and the wind has no effect on the shape and strength of the waves. Microwave waves can be focused and changed by the designed pulsers that even you can cover a certain area.